


[ kawr-tahy-nuh, -tee-nuh ]


, Mycology.
, plural cor·ti·nae [kawr-, tahy, -nee, -, tee, -nahy].
  1. a weblike, often evanescent veil covering the gills or hanging from the cap edge of certain mushrooms, particularly those of genus Cortinarius, and sometimes persisting as a ring or remnant of fibrils around the mushroom stalk.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cortina1

1825–35; < New Latin; Late Latin cortīna curtain
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Example Sentences

Classical Latin had also a word cortina, meaning a caldron or round kettle.

P. 5-8 cm. obtuse, lilac, silky, then whitish or yellowish, flesh blue; g. clear blue then purplish; s. 7-12 cm. bulbous, juiceless, bluish from the cortina, inside the base white; sp.

Plant exhibiting the cortina unbroken, the extremities of its delicate arachnoid threads attached to cap and stem, respectively.Fig.

There is a partial veil in the form of a cortina.

The veil is white, silky, hairy, separating from the stem like a dense cortina, the threads stretched both above and below as shown in Fig.



