[ kawr-imb, -im, kor- ]
, Botany.
- a form of inflorescence in which the flowers form a flat-topped or convex cluster, the outermost flowers being the first to open.
/ ˈkɒrɪmb; -rɪm /
- an inflorescence in the form of a flat-topped flower cluster with the oldest flowers at the periphery. This type of raceme occurs in the candytuft
/ kôr′ĭmb,-ĭm /
- An indeterminate inflorescence whose outer flowers have longer stalks than the inner flowers, so that together they form a round cluster that is rather flat on top. The outer flowers open before the inner ones. Yarrow and the hawthorn have corymbs.
- See illustration at inflorescence
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Derived Forms
- coˈrymbosely, adverb
- ˈcorymbed, adjective
- coˈrymbose, adjective
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Other Words From
- corymbed adjective
- corymblike adjective
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Word History and Origins
Origin of corymb1
1700–10; < Latin corymbus < Greek kórymbos head, top, cluster of fruit or flowers
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Word History and Origins
Origin of corymb1
C18: from Latin corymbus, from Greek korumbos cluster
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Example Sentences
The flowers are yellow, about three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and form a compact, terminal corymb.
From Project Gutenberg
Their flower-heads are yellow, arranged in a corymb, and bloom during the whole of the summer.
From Project Gutenberg
It grows from two to four feet high, and bears a corymb of many yellow heads, from July to September.
From Project Gutenberg
The numerous flower-heads are arranged in a corymb, and are about half an inch in diameter, with white ray and yellow disc.
From Project Gutenberg
The flower-heads are bright yellow, large, and arranged in a loose, terminal corymb.
From Project Gutenberg