
[ kuhl-muh-neyt ]
See synonyms for: culminateculminatedculminating on

verb (used without object),cul·mi·nat·ed, cul·mi·nat·ing.
  1. to reach the highest point, summit, or highest development (usually followed by in).

  2. to end or arrive at a final stage (usually followed by in): The argument culminated in a fistfight.

  1. to rise to or form an apex; terminate (usually followed by in): The tower culminates in a tall spire.

  2. Astronomy. (of a celestial body) to be on the meridian, or reach the highest or the lowest altitude.

verb (used with object),cul·mi·nat·ed, cul·mi·nat·ing.
  1. to bring to a close; complete; climax: The president's signature on this bill culminates an eight-year campaign for legislation to help individuals and families finance their long-term disability needs.

Origin of culminate

First recorded in 1640–50; from Late Latin culminātus (past participle of culmināre to come to a peak), equivalent to Latin culmin- (stem of culmen ) “peak, top” + -ātus -ate1

Words Nearby culminate Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use culminate in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for culminate


/ (ˈkʌlmɪˌneɪt) /

  1. (when intr, usually foll by in) to end or cause to end, esp to reach or bring to a final or climactic stage

  2. (intr) (of a celestial body) to cross the meridian of the observer

Origin of culminate

C17: from Late Latin culmināre to reach the highest point, from Latin culmen top

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