cut loose
Speak or act without restraint, as in He cut loose with a string of curses . [Early 1800s]
Leave, clear out, as in Let's cut loose right now . [ Slang ; 1960s]
Example Sentences
Why not let him cut loose and go all Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa, instead of easing his way out of something a bit grimier?
Loyal incumbents must be protected, while disappointing ones are reassessed and even cut loose.
At one point, an outraged audience member cut loose with a Joe Wilsonesque “You lie!”
Habitually unable to contain his choleric temper, Kennedy cut loose when addressing his former Harvard chums in 1937.
But one of these days, and perhaps wth the aid of Russian attack helicopters, the regime will really cut loose.
We made the freight camp, however, just as the storm cut loose in deadly earnest.
She turned him down; and at the last moment he upset our plans by deciding to cut loose and go with us.
He now cut loose his stern anchor and bade his men pull on the rope that led to the bow anchor.
The bellowing of the bull when cut loose came as music to the again placid Indian women of Palomitas.
Joan cut loose at the disturbers of this peace, emptying the revolver quickly, but without effect.