[ dee-stey-buh-lahyz ]
verb (used with object)
- to make unstable; rid of stabilizing attributes:
conflicts that tend to destabilize world peace.
/ diːˈsteɪbɪˌlaɪz /
- tr to undermine or subvert (a government, economy, etc) so as to cause unrest or collapse
Derived Forms
- ˌdestabiliˈzation, noun
Other Words From
- de·stabi·li·zation noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of destabilize1
Example Sentences
This process could have led to the water getting warmer, destabilizing the adjacent ice sheet.
The current challenges around cloud migration focus on application readiness, risk of destabilizing the legacy environment, cost implications, and security implications of different cloud technologies.
In the past, carbon dioxide from fires would be reabsorbed when plants regrew in subsequent years, but 2019’s fire emissions rose, potentially destabilizing that balance.
Zuri Williams said the disruption destabilized Zora Williams’ academic career.
They believe that every detainee has actively resisted and is part of an organization whose sole aim is to “destabilize the situation in the country.”
The lies are just the latest attempt to destabilize a fractured country.
I believe that Iranian TV wishes to destabilize my family, who live in a small town.
Now they are in Donetsk region, many paid by Yanukovych, who is still dreaming to destabilize life in Ukraine.
A campaign to destabilize the country has escalated rapidly this year.
Putin will seek to intimidate, apply pressure and destabilize.
To convince the West of the quality of its wares, China demonstrates its capacity to destabilize in various corners of the world.