

View synonyms for detailed


[ dih-teyld, dee-teyld ]


  1. having many details:

    a detailed problem.

    Synonyms: complicated, complex, involved

  2. thorough in the treatment of details; minute:

    a detailed report.

    Synonyms: comprehensive, thorough, exhaustive


/ ˈdiːteɪld /


  1. having many details or giving careful attention to details

    a detailed list of the ingredients required

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • de·tailed·ly [dih-, teyld, -lee, -, tey, -lid-], adverb
  • de·tailedness noun
  • nonde·tailed adjective
  • over·de·tailed adjective
  • unde·tailed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of detailed1

First recorded in 1730–40; detail + -ed 2
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Example Sentences

Though detailed and built for a modern agriculture operation, for some growers, inputting data into Metrc is often a labor-intensive job requiring cultivators to employ staffers to remain compliant.

This brightness, caused by the intense reflection of sunlight from its thick clouds and highlighted by its close proximity to Earth, basically blinds our instruments from making detailed observations of the planet.

KPBS is part of Voice of San Diego’s lawsuit against the county to obtain more detailed information about outbreaks.

Their descriptions were confirmed by detailed notes from relatives of one of the teenagers who recorded conversations with him about the efforts.

The Heritage Foundation did not make von Spakovsky available for an interview and didn’t address detailed questions about the meetings.

His discourse is now more detailed: submission, which is the meaning of islam in Arabic, gives him a kind of enjoyment.

The most recent issue contains detailed instructions for building car bombs, and the magazine frequently draws up hit-lists.

So however detailed the statistics of the battlefield are, they cannot achieve the goal.

American spies have detailed dossiers on the North Koreans who the U.S. says were behind the Sony attack.

Conservatives distrust public officials and want to shackle them with detailed rules.

Most of my observations are in keeping with Skutch's detailed report of the species in Central America.

To Harry's surprise, the soldier detailed to go with him proved to be a boy, not much older than himself.

He looked at it through a keyhole, as it were—the extent was large yet detailed, the picture distant yet very clearly focussed.

For this reason it is impossible to enter upon a detailed account of their composition.

The experiments detailed in the preceding table speak in a great measure for themselves, and scarcely require detailed comment.





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