[ dis-uh-bee-dee-uhnt ]
- neglecting or refusing to obey; not submitting; refractory.
Synonyms: uncompliant, unsubmissive, rebellious, defiant, contumacious, insubordinate
Antonyms: obedient
/ ˌdɪsəˈbiːdɪənt /
- not obedient; neglecting or refusing to obey
Derived Forms
- ˌdisoˈbediently, adverb
Other Words From
- diso·bedi·ent·ly adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of disobedient1
Example Sentences
Many asylum superintendents thought restraints such as straightjackets “rarely…necessary among males,” yet it was standard for disobedient women to be constrained.
Disobedient Objects is at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London from July 26 to February 1, 2015.
The archetype of the disobedient Cossack who will not stoop to intimidation remains an important part of Ukrainian identity.
So, of course, ever-disobedient, the IOA opted to hold the elections two days after on Feb. 9.
Disobedient businessmen, disloyal functionaries, and opposition activists—these are the “criminals” the Kremlin wishes to pursue.
"You don't want to do your duty; that's what it is, you disobedient wench," said the minister sternly.
The law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient.
He procured lettres de cachet from the King, and shut up his disobedient and debauched son in various state-prisons.
To threaten a disobedient servant with the jambok—be he Hottentot, Fingo, or Caffre—is to bring him back to kneeling obeisance.
The Prophet's divinely commanded actions witnessed beforehand what should come upon the disobedient, rebellious nation.