


[ dis-puhn-sey-ter, -pen- ]


, Obsolete.
  1. a person who dispenses; distributor; administrator.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of dispensator1

1350–1400; Middle English dispensatour < Medieval Latin dispēnsātor, Latin: manager, steward, equivalent to dispēnsā ( re ) ( dispense ) + -tor -tor
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Example Sentences

The latest management shakeup was announced in a decree in Latin, entitled “Fidelis Dispensator et Prudens,” or “A Faithful and Wise Manager.”

It is but little we can do for patients in this extreme condition; but the faith his wife reposed in professional powers that had already saved her, suggested supplications and entreaties which I told her she had better direct to a higher Dispensator of hope and relief.

Go to your Home Secretary, your Postmaster in General, and tell them that no Post Office or School shall be built on this spot, Because I, Walt, hailing hoarsely from Manhattan, have spotted it, And Punch, the lustrous camerado, the ineffable dispensator, will spot it too!

A slave called the dispensator was the manager of this business.

He should eye Christ as the great Lord dispensator of both faith and repentance, and hang on him for both, and thus believe, that he may believe and repent, or lay his soul open to him, that he may work in him both repentance and faith.



