

View synonyms for Douglas


[ duhg-luhs ]


  1. Sir James the Black Douglas, 1286–1330, Scottish military leader.
  2. James, 2nd Earl of, 1358?–88, Scottish military leader.
  3. Kirk Issur Danielovitch Demsky, 1916–2020, U.S. actor.
  4. Lloyd C(as·sel) [kas, -, uh, l], 1877–1951, U.S. novelist and clergyman.
  5. Michael, born 1944, U.S. actor and producer (son of Kirk Douglas).
  6. Stephen A(rnold), 1813–61, U.S. political leader and statesman.
  7. William O(r·ville) [awr, -vil], 1898–1980, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court 1939–75.
  8. a city on and the capital of the Isle of Man: a resort town.
  9. a city in southeastern Arizona.
  10. a town in central Georgia.
  11. a male given name: from a Scottish word meaning “black water.”



/ ˈdʌɡləs /


  1. a town and resort on the Isle of Man, capital of the island, on the E coast. Pop: 25 347 (2001)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ ˈdʌɡləs /


  1. DouglasC(lifford) H(ugh)18791952MBritishSOCIAL SCIENCE: economist C ( lifford ) H ( ugh ). 1879–1952, British economist, who originated the theory of social credit
  2. DouglasGavin?14741522MScottishWRITING: poetWRITING: translator Gavin. ?1474–1522, Scottish poet, the first British translator of the Aeneid
  3. DouglasKeith (Castellain)19201944MBritishWRITING: poet Keith ( Castellain ). 1920–44, British poet, noted for his poems of World War II: killed in action
  4. DouglasMichael K(irk)1944MUSFILMS AND TV: actor Michael K ( irk ). born 1944, US film actor; his films include Romancing the Stone (1984), Wall Street (1987), Basic Instinct (1992), and Wonder Boys (2000)
  5. Douglas(George) Norman18681952MBritishWRITING: writer ( George ) Norman. 1868–1952, British writer, esp of books on southern Italy such as South Wind (1917)
  6. DouglasTommy19041986MCanadianPOLITICS: statesmanPOLITICS: premier Tommy , full name Thomas Clement Douglas (1904–86). Canadian statesman: premier of Saskatchewan 1944–61
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Example Sentences

Her husband Douglas, on the other hand, views social media as a way to catch up with family or existing friends versus networking among strangers.

From Fortune

Like McConnell, Douglas believed that compromise could temper the extremists’ worst impulses, win major legislative victories and secure his political future.

Douglas, though, was a practical man, who understood that there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics, only permanent interests.

Douglas was cleared of any wrongdoing by the district attorney.

You will find the restaurant just south of Douglas on Blue Star Highway.

It got it all out there… Gene Hackman and Douglas… Melvyn Douglas is amazing.

In 1951, Harry Truman fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War.

I write the lyrics and work with Murv Douglas from Lords of Acid.

Seventy three percent of students at David Douglas High School in Portland, Oregon are low-income.

And William O. Douglas never stopped trying to achieve his lifelong ambition: the presidency of the United States.

Thinking to escape and summon assistance from the cantonment, Douglas mounted the wall and leaped into the moat.

At this moment Douglas came on the scene, raised his war-cry, and pressed hard on the English, who manfully defended themselves.

At the castle, Douglas found only the porter and the cook; and so he barred the gates, and dined at leisure.

It needs better evidence to stamp this solitary suggestion of a blot on the clear scutcheon of Douglas.

Douglas now broke ambush and cut off Webton from the castle, eventually slaying him and all his men.


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