


[ dringk-waw-ter, -wot-er ]


  1. John, 1882–1937, English poet, playwright, and critic.


/ ˈdrɪŋkˌwɔːtə /


  1. DrinkwaterJohn18821937MEnglishTHEATRE: dramatistWRITING: poetWRITING: critic John. 1882–1937, English dramatist, poet, and critic; author of chronicle plays such as Abraham Lincoln (1918) and Mary Stuart (1921)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Drinkwater’s experience seems common — numerous other SEOs have also shared that the investment in improving CWV has yet to yield returns in the SERPs.

Drinkwater stressed that most clients don’t regard Vice as a scale play and that she sees a lot to like about the year Vice Media Group has had.

From Digiday

A former staffer for Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Drinkwater had worked on this issue in the past.

Drinkwater was among the first, his nervous, prying little eyes fairly fastened on the other in his excitement.

Sure enough, presently along came Drinkwater, head down, as though unaware of the open door.

Drinkwater, I believe youre lying, said OLeary, with a twitching of his hands that made the other draw back abruptly.

Drinkwater passed to the door by which they had entered and drew it shut, and going to the window, flung across a second curtain.

Drinkwater went to her side and piloted her to the armchair, amid a heavy craning-forward of her tense audience.





Drink to me only with thine eyesdrip