

View synonyms for dune


[ doon, dyoon ]


  1. a sand hill or sand ridge formed by the wind, usually in desert regions or near lakes and oceans.


/ djuːn /


  1. a mound or ridge of drifted sand, occurring on the sea coast and in deserts
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ do̅o̅n /

  1. A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand. Dunes are capable of moving by the motion of their individual grains but usually keep the same shape.
  2. See more at barchan dune
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Word History and Origins

Origin of dune1

1780–90; < French, Old French < Middle Dutch dūna; cognate with down 3
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Word History and Origins

Origin of dune1

C18: via Old French from Middle Dutch dūne; see down ³
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Example Sentences

Trump International claimed the new course - named after Trump's Lewis-born mother, Mary - would feature the “largest sand dunes in Scotland” and form “the greatest 36 holes in golf” alongside the original course, completed in 2012.

From BBC

And he also fears the Kw’tsán monument could curtail access to the heavily trafficked Glamis and Imperial sand dunes — even though they lie outside the envisioned boundaries — due to “spillover management effects.”

ATVs, dune buggies and other off-road vehicles can slam into the slow-moving tortoises with domed shells and heavily scaled, flattened forelimbs used for digging.

You’ll see egrets and herons in the tidal wetlands of the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge and perhaps even snowy plovers nestling in the dunes or pecking for insects in the wet sand.

She remembers seeing the woman lying face down in sand dunes, with no obvious signs of injury or struggle.

From BBC


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