


[ dy-prey ]


  1. Jules [zh, y, l], 1812–89, French painter.
  2. Mar·cel [m, a, r, -, sel], 1886–1971, French organist and composer.


/ dypre /


  1. DupréMarcel18861971MFrenchMUSIC: organistMUSIC: composer Marcel (marsɛl). 1886–1971, French organist and composer, noted as an improviser
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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It was a lengthy negotiation, but it ultimately fell apart when Ashley Dupre asked if she could have editorial control.

During Eliot Spitzer's fall from power, much was made of Ashley Dupre's four-figure fee.

In March 2008, she was the other woman in the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal immortalized by one tabloid headline as YOU, ME & DUPRE.

Give him up to me, and at once let Dupre, my valet, have charge of him until my return.

It was young Marc Dupre, and his devil-may-care face was alert and smiling.

Marc Dupre's eyes were shining and the red in his cheeks flushing with pleasure.

Only Marc Dupre, nearest Maren in every change and arrangement, had no such thoughts.

In a plentiful forest and on an abundant stream Dupre was at no loss for food.



