


[ ey-tee-fawr, -fohr ]


  1. a cardinal number, 80 plus 4.
  2. a symbol for this number, as 84 or LXXXIV.
  3. a set of this many persons or things.


  1. amounting to 84 in number.
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Eighty-four people were arrested and more than 30 people were treated for injuries, with scores more hurt but not treated.

Over the next three months, The Big Bounce was rejected by eighty-four publishers and film producers.

Eighty-four vets already have transitioned successfully through the program.

Compare Nineteen Eighty-Four, p. 72, ‘If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles.’

One hundred eighty-four women clocked in this year, with 18 women running for Senate seats and 166 vying for the House.

On a division the address was carried by a majority of two hundred and eighty-four against two hundred and forty-three.

On a division it was rejected by a majority of two hundred and seventeen against eighty-four.

Eighty-four vessels of all sizes had been built in the Colony within eleven years.

The marquis of Worcester, a man past eighty-four, was the last in England that submitted to the authority of the parliament.

Precipitation occurred on twenty-seven days, and the average percentage of cloud was eighty-four.




