

View synonyms for embolus


[ em-buh-luhs ]


, Pathology.
, plural em·bo·li [em, -b, uh, -lahy].
  1. undissolved material carried by the blood and impacted in some part of the vascular system, as thrombi or fragments of thrombi, tissue fragments, clumps of bacteria, protozoan parasites, fat globules, or gas bubbles.


/ ˈɛmbələs /


  1. material, such as part of a blood clot or an air bubble, that is transported by the blood stream until it becomes lodged within a small vessel and impedes the circulation Compare thrombus
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of embolus1

1660–70; < Latin: piston < Greek émbolos stopper, equivalent to em- em- 2 + bólos a throw, akin to bállein to throw
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Word History and Origins

Origin of embolus1

C17: via Latin from Greek embolos stopper, from emballein to insert, from ballein to throw; see emblem
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Example Sentences

As a matter of fact, Batsch under Embolus crocatus first presents an unmistakable description and figure.

An embolus occupied the pulmonary artery, resembling a blood-clot found in the left common and internal iliac veins.

At the post-mortem examination the left and right branches of the pulmonary artery contained an embolus.

One month later he was seized with urgent dyspnœa and signs clearly indicating the lodgment of an embolus in the pulmonary artery.

Detachment of a portion of the thrombus, according to Hoare, may result in the lodgment of an embolus in the brain or kidneys.




