

View synonyms for enrichment


[ en-rich-muhnt ]


  1. an act of enriching.
  2. the state of being enriched.
  3. something that enriches:

    the enrichments of education and travel.

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Other Words From

  • self-en·richment noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of enrichment1

First recorded in 1620–30; enrich + -ment
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Example Sentences

Kids lose some skills and knowledge over the summer, but children from wealthy families who can afford camps and other enrichment activities lose less.

When I began teaching 17 years ago, 60 percent of our high school students would attend and could choose from plenty of enrichment courses as well as regular content classes.

This is a situation where this elite gang owns the country like private property and actually uses it for its enrichment.

The board then voted to require that the superintendent deliver an annual report to school board members detailing the diversity of TJ’s admitted class that year, attrition rates and data on student “participation in enrichment clubs.”

What works is enrichment, and the more you can give someone to build on their skills and talents, the better the outcomes are going to be.

U.S. officials have previously said Iran could be allowed to continue some enrichment in a final deal.

Such conditions would not allow Iran to maintain any domestic uranium enrichment capability.

According to the Obama administration, Iran could be allowed a limited enrichment program as part of a final deal with the West.

A six-month quasi-limit on uranium enrichment does not mean the government has changed.

It completely stops enrichment of uranium to 20 percent—the level needed to make a bomb.

Various means have been suggested by the writers for the enrichment of the Judeo-German vocabulary.

On the other hand, one cannot but foresee a gradual enrichment and ennoblement of the interior of the Capitol.

For a thief steals for his own enrichment, not for the advantage of the recipient of the stolen goods.

At the same time the development of doctrine is a real mode of enrichment of the theology of the Church.

Coral, pearls, and beads of many forms have been used for the enrichment of embroideries, and for decorating textiles.


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