


[ ee-oh-luhs ]


  1. Mount, a peak in SW Colorado, in the San Juan Mountains. 14,083 feet (4,292 meters).

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Example Sentences

Eolus Vind, which builds wind farms and has projects under consideration in the affected areas, said it needed more clarity from authorities.

From Reuters

Again, there was the Thessalian Cerambos, who was said to have escaped the flood by rising into the air on wings given him by the nymphs, and it was Perirrhoos, son of Eolus, that Zeus Naios had preserved at Dodona.

This was the squadron of Commodore Broke, consisting of the Africa 64, Guerriere 38, Shannon 38, Belvidera 36, Eolus 32, together with the captured Nautilus and a schooner.

The least opposition to any of his ideas makes the blusterer rise in his might, and bellow, and roar, and bellow again, till the whole company is in something like the condition of Æneas’s fleet after Eolus has done his worst.

He had never heard of the musical genius of Eolus, and it was not strange that the old forsaken, mutilated, ghostly, looking brig should excite the imagination of the lonely lodger.



