

ex post

[ eks pohst ]


  1. based on analysis of past performance ( ex ante ).

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ex post1

1635–45; < Latin: from (what lies) behind, according to (what lies) behind
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Example Sentences

So many shows rely on studio interviews or guests recapping their adventures ex post facto — the equivalent of Aunt Jane prattling on about her trip to Tuscany over the phone.

NRA defends the constitutional right to something similar, ex post facto.

The caution holds true for those weighing the ex post facto accounts of former presidents.

Now this was a novel experience—having my phone calls monitored, ex post facto, by a livid legislator.

Mrs. Bays and her husband had driven to town, and there was no need for ex post facto resolutions.

They say the Taupou had a gun and fired; probably an excuse manufactured ex post facto.

Other jurors claimed that they had decided Donnely was guilty, but that was probably an ex post facto switch.

An ex post facto law was brought in with great precipitation, for annulling this dividend.

It would bring a little real militarism into the family and give a kind of ex post facto justification to his ancient title.





exposomeex post facto