fancy goods
plural noun
- small decorative gifts; knick-knacks
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Example Sentences
Amie Siegel's new video shows us how utopian treasures become fancy goods.
From The Daily Beast
The Daily Pic: Amie Siegel's new video shows us how utopian treasures become fancy goods.
From The Daily Beast
Part of her store she devoted to fancy goods, and, for seven years and a half, did all the buying in Boston.
From Project Gutenberg
He afterward became a peddler of fancy goods, and eventually a dealer in peltries.
From Project Gutenberg
At Havre he visited the leading shops where jewelry and fancy goods were sold or manufactured.
From Project Gutenberg
There were several fancy-goods stores and some pretty black-eyed Jewish children with the curliest hair imaginable.
From Project Gutenberg
Mercy said Betty could go down to Washington Street and open a fancy-goods store.
From Project Gutenberg