[ fem ]
- a lesbian who embraces identity markers that are associated with traditional expressions of femininity, as clothing, hairstyle, interests, or behaviors.
- a gay man who embraces identity markers that are associated with traditional expressions of femininity.
- any person who adopts a feminine appearance, manner, or persona.
- noting or relating to a feminine style or gender expression.
/ fam; fɛm /
- a woman or wife
- fɛm a lesbian who adopts a feminine role in a relationship
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
They are “cougars” Advertisement or ageing femme fatales, like Blanche Du Bois in Tennessee William’s A Streetcar Named Desire, who set a tone for generations as a figure of fun whose desires are twisted, ridiculed, and ultimately punished.
In today’s Daily Dose, we present you with the fierce new femmes of finance, the hottest money influencers on social media and the game-changing investment whizzes emerging from Malaysia to South Africa.
The updated version differed from the Playboy Playmates and housewives of the ’50s in that its ideal femme also, figuratively if not literally, kicked ass.
Le Femme Finishing School helps transwomen find their inner beauty, no matter their age.
Yet for all her cred as a femme serieux, Kennedy keeps in close touch with the naughty girl of her past.
The “Fallen Princesses” series is on display at Le Musée de la Femme in Québec.
There is a heist motif running through the film and an amnesia motif and a noirish femme fatale motif too.
Marie Windsor, who is one of the great femme fatales, is in it.
En effet un soir, sa femme et enfans l'abandonnerent entierement, et s'en allerent cabaner ailleurs, pensant que c'en estoit vuid.
She questioned Madame Vauchelet as to the probable cost of a femme de ménage.
Je vis M. le Baron d'Holbach environn d'une vieille femme et de deux villageois, l'un vieux comme elle et l'autre jeune.
Cherchez la femme, said Maitland with evident gratification, counting spoonfuls of tea into the teapot.
O'Meara, child as she still was, watched what was going on from the corner of her eye and thought: "Comme il aime cette femme!"