

View synonyms for figurative


[ fig-yer-uh-tiv ]


  1. of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal:

    The word "head" has several figurative senses, as in "She's the head of the company."

    Synonyms: metaphorical, symbolic

  2. metaphorically so called:

    His remark was a figurative boomerang.

  3. abounding in or fond of figures of speech:

    Elizabethan poetry is highly figurative.

    Synonyms: grandiloquent, florid, elaborate, flowery, ornamental, ornate

  4. representing by means of a figure or likeness, as in drawing or sculpture.
  5. representing by a figure or emblem; emblematic.


/ ˈfɪɡərətɪv /


  1. of the nature of, resembling, or involving a figure of speech; not literal; metaphorical
  2. using or filled with figures of speech
  3. representing by means of an emblem, likeness, figure, etc
  4. (in painting, sculpture, etc) of, relating to, or characterized by the naturalistic representation of the external world
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈfigurativeness, noun
  • ˈfiguratively, adverb
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Other Words From

  • fig·ur·a·tive·ly adverb
  • fig·ur·a·tive·ness noun
  • non·fig·ur·a·tive adjective
  • non·fig·ur·a·tive·ness noun
  • sem·i·fig·ur·a·tive adjective
  • sem·i·fig·ur·a·tive·ness noun
  • un·fig·ur·a·tive adjective
  • un·fig·ur·a·tive·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of figurative1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English figuratif, fygurative, from Old French figuratif, from Late Latin figūrātīvus; figure ( def ), -ative
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Example Sentences

Thus, these thousands of known exoplanets are only the tip of the figurative exoplanet iceberg.

This is when he switched from abstraction to a style of figurative art engaged both with brute politics and the existential comedy and influenced by underground comics.

If we retain these essential accommodations, we can open the figurative office doors to more workers with disabilities than ever before.

From Time

They’re warming us up for the show ahead, promising great wonders to come as they set up for us that figurative fourth wall we all love so much.

From Time

Just as Google and social media have enabled each of us to reach into the figurative diaries and desk drawers of anyone we might be curious about, law enforcement agencies today have access to powerful new engines of data processing and association.

Bauer literally had a Rosebud moment, but may not have had a figurative one.

No, says the confused C.K, who expected the figurative nature of his statement to be obvious.

Cheshire is less interested in the literal, chromosomal answer than the figurative one.

In that moment, Will has fully embraced the figurative dark side.

In a figurative way, palimpsest refers to an object or place that reflects its own history.

To use your figurative language, when this wormeaten monarchy is broken, what will come out of the ruins?

There is a generally accepted division of language into literal and figurative.

When a person says, “He is a bright boy,” he has used the word “bright” in a sense that is not literal; the use is figurative.

Figurative language employs words with meanings not strictly literal, but varying from their ordinary definitions.

The concentrations are figurative, but may be taken to represent actual concentrations, such as 0.015 molar, etc.





figurationfigurative language