

Final Solution


  1. the Nazi program of annihilating the Jews of Europe during the Third Reich.

Final Solution

  1. A term applied by Nazis to the genocide of European Jews (see also Jews ) during World War II . Before instituting the Final Solution, the Nazi government had abolished the Jews' rights, destroyed and confiscated their property, and confined Jews in concentration camps .

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Final Solution1

1945–50; translation of German endgültige Lösung
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Example Sentences

Al- Husseini actively collaborated with Hitler in the implementation of the Final Solution.

In its candor and detail regarding the mechanics of the Final Solution it changed the course of the trial.

He must press forward to the final solution, no matter what that should prove to be, but all the signs were ominous of the worst.

I don't much care if I am hanged; that would at least be a final solution, so far as I am concerned, to this problem of living.

The same difficulties about Unity and Being are raised in the Sophist; but there only as preliminary to their final solution.

The problem of the origin of the name Purim, however, can hardly be said to have received a final solution.

This final solution appears in Malthus's proposed remedies for the evils of the time.



