fixed point

  1. physics a reproducible invariant temperature; the boiling point, freezing point, or triple point of a substance, such as water, that is used to calibrate a thermometer or define a temperature scale

  2. maths a point that is not moved by a given transformation

Words Nearby fixed point

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

How to use fixed point in a sentence

  • Our country is at an intuitive fixed point that may or may not be as far along as we imagined.

    Christopher Darden Believes There May Be Justice Yet for Trayvon | Christopher A. Darden, Michele Noble | July 15, 2013 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • It seems so—particularly in those moments where it becomes queasily clear that Klosterman has no fixed point of view.

    America's Pop Culture Savant | Taylor Antrim | October 30, 2009 | THE DAILY BEAST
  • In the physical universe itself, where is the fixed point upon which material creation is in equilibrium?

    Urania | Camille Flammarion
  • Perhaps they will help us to find that "fixed point" which our philosophical ambition asks for.

    Urania | Camille Flammarion
  • Strabismus is present when one eye only is directed to the fixed point, while the visual line of the other eye deviates from it.

    Schweigger on Squint | C. Schweigger
  • It is only necessary that he should be able to refer to a fixed point of origin, when the form of the shaft was first perfected.

  • It would be like the magnet which attracts indiscriminately toward a fixed point all the particles of iron in its vicinity.

    Mysterious Psychic Forces | Camille Flammarion