

View synonyms for forced


[ fawrst, fohrst ]


  1. enforced or compulsory:

    forced labor.

  2. strained, unnatural, or affected:

    a forced smile.

  3. subjected to force.
  4. required by circumstances; emergency:

    a forced landing of an airplane.


/ fɔːst; ˈfɔːsɪdlɪ /


  1. done because of force; compulsory

    forced labour

  2. false or unnatural

    a forced smile

  3. due to an emergency or necessity

    a forced landing

  4. physics caused by an external agency

    a forced draught

    a forced vibration

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • forcedly, adverb
  • ˈforcedness, noun
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Other Words From

  • forc·ed·ly [fawr, -sid-lee, fohr, -], adverb
  • forced·ness noun
  • quasi-forced adjective
  • un·forced adjective
  • un·forced·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of forced1

First recorded in 1540–50; force + -ed 2
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Example Sentences

The forced isolation and lockdowns wrought havoc on teenage lives and shaped them in ways they will never forget.

In other words, a mask is too great an impingement on “freedom,” but a forced pregnancy and threat of harassment for exercising one’s constitutional rights are all the rage in the Lone Star state.

Those Mass Games that he addressed in 2018, for one, have been condemned by human-rights groups for forced child labor.

From Time

The forced, sudden digitization experienced in 2020 has also fundamentally changed how corporate leaders view themselves and their relationship to their organizations.

From Fortune

While the pandemic slowed operations for businesses around the world—Logitech included—the Switzerland-based company was perhaps better prepared than most for the sudden forced shift to remote work.

From Time

A spokesman for Lewisham council said last year that it would be forced to act if the family returned to Britain.

One is forced to ask, what on earth was Andrew doing hanging out with scantily clad teenagers?

But his words felt forced and were belied his 2004 vote to oppose marking Martin Luther King Jr.

However, intellectual honesty is the first thing to go when you are forced to constantly pander to your base.

She had no say in it, but now is being forced to deal with an already challenging situation in front of strangers.

But he walked up and down the room and forced himself to listen, though he could scarcely bear it, I could see.

Instead of giving you a chance to say, "He has made a mistake," he forced you to say, "He has shown how to get out of a mistake."

A lineman was sent out to repair it under escort of civil guards, who were forced by the rebels to retire.

"I will," gruffly replied the man, with a look which showed that he was sorry to be forced to choose the second alternative.

He stepped to the girl, and roughly raised her chin with his hand so that she was forced to look him in the face.





force cupforced development