or fritt
[ frit ]
- Ceramics.
- a fused or partially fused material used as a basis for glazes or enamels.
- the composition from which artificial soft porcelain is made.
- fused or calcined material prepared as part of the batch in glassmaking.
verb (used with object)
, frit·ted, frit·ting.
- to fuse (materials) in making frit.
/ frɪt /
- the basic materials, partially or wholly fused, for making glass, glazes for pottery, enamel, etc
- a glassy substance used in some soft-paste porcelain
- the material used for making the glaze for artificial teeth
- tr to fuse (materials) in making frit
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Word History and Origins
Origin of frit1
1655–65; < Italian fritta, feminine past participle of friggere to fry < Latin frīgere to roast
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Word History and Origins
Origin of frit1
C17: from Italian fritta , literally: fried, from friggere to fry, from Latin frīgere
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Example Sentences
Antinephritic, an-ti-ne-frit′ik, adj. acting against diseases of the kidney.
From Project Gutenberg
When the fusion is complete, the vitreous matter is to be poured into clear water, and the frit is then dried, and melted anew.
From Project Gutenberg
In about 16 hours the vitrification of the frit has taken place, and a considerable quantity, amounting often to the cwt.
From Project Gutenberg
The beads are nearly all of known Neolithic types; one form is noticeable, a blue frit cylinder with gold caps at the ends.
From Project Gutenberg
The mayonnaise was fixed in ice, like Ninon's description of Sevign's heart, 'une citronille frit la neige.'
From Project Gutenberg