


[ foo-jee ]


  1. a dormant volcano in central Japan, on Honshu island: highest mountain in Japan. 12,395 feet (3,778 meters).


/ ˈfuːdʒɪ /


  1. Mount Fuji
    an extinct volcano in central Japan, in S central Honshu: the highest mountain in Japan, famous for its symmetrical snow-capped cone. Height: 3776 m (12 388 ft) Also known asFujiyamaFuji-san
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Best Seat in the House: Near the windows at sunset to see the sun drop behind Mount Fuji.

The daily newspaper Yukan Fuji  (夕刊フジ) ran a scoop about the political support as a cover story on Oct. 12, 2007.

The rituals were researched on a visit to Mount Fuji but, according to the Inspector General, the details must remain a mystery.

The 747 crashed near Mount Fuji and all 520 people aboard died.

For dessert, many different kinds of fruits (Fuji apples, Korean pears, persimmons) are piled onto one another and served.

Fuji gleamed white over clouds and pine tree foregrounds, and the sky was blue.

They say they are going to put a telephone up Mount Fuji, so as to be able to interview him from the top!

Range after range of hills stood back from the sea towards Fuji mountain, whose position I knew, but who was hidden in the clouds.

There are lots of white Canterbury bells among the tall grasses, and the wild Fuji wistaria branches climb round many a trunk.

I had great hopes that the cone of Fuji mountain would show above the coast over the water.




