

full binding


  1. a complete binding of a volume in any one material, generally leather.

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Other Words From

  • full-bound [fool, -, bound], adjective
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Example Sentences

Grade 1 Grade one of cloth, the cheapest that a librarian may use, is not made of the best quality of cotton thread and should never be used under any circumstances for full binding.

“It doesn’t sound like he’s given them his full binding offer yet,” he said in an interview.

Also as expected, the Israelis only initialed the documents, withholding full signatures�and full binding agreement to the Sinai package�until an Administration proposal to station up to 200 technicians at monitoring posts around the Mitla and Giddi passes is approved by Congress.

The edition consists of 49 copies on Inomachi vellum, in full binding, each copy autographed by the author.

Sheepskin—once the full binding for most school-books, and for a large share of law and miscellaneous works for libraries, is now but little used, except in its disguised forms.



