

View synonyms for furnished


[ fur-nisht ]


  1. (of an apartment, room, or house) available to be rented with furniture:

    furnished summer sublets; a furnished bedroom in a remodeled condo.

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Other Words From

  • half-furnished adjective
  • self-furnished adjective
  • semi·furnished adjective
  • un·furnished adjective
  • well-furnished adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of furnished1

First recorded in 1700–10; past participle of furnish ( def )
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Example Sentences

His headquarters back then were a cheaply furnished office in Moscow with low ceilings and a heavy metal door.

From Time

They are both sales executives for Blueground, a startup that offers people access to furnished apartments in 15 cities across the globe, allowing them to work from anywhere as part of a program introduced earlier this year called Blueground Nomads.

From Digiday

Page’s invigorating survey, performed on a sparsely furnished stage and directed by Alan Paul, gives us insight into Shakespeare’s fixation on evil, in all its permutations.

The RV resort with RV stalls and furnished vacation rentals is expected to open in early 2021.

It allowed agents to explore various realistic virtual environments, like a furnished apartment or cubicle-filled office.

We ended up in one room in her mansion and never furnished it.

He continued to live in Greenwich Village in an apartment furnished principally with books and empty orange crates.

He sits in dark corners of the narrative, a bit inanimate, like a broken chair marring a finely furnished room.

For two years Malcolm visited Salle in his coldly lit, barely furnished studio on White Street in Tribeca.

There was still no disputing the answer Bloomberg furnished to the question he then posed.

But men we had known and trails we had followed furnished us plenty of grist for the conversational mill.

And when he took an underground stroll he was almost sure to find a few angleworms, which furnished most of his meals.

The room was prettily furnished, and Georgie had often accused herself of extravagance.

The regulation chairs and tables of the furnished house had been banished from Mrs. Haggard's drawing-room.

Amerigo Vespucci sailed with three ships furnished him by Emanuel of Portugal.


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