


[ gey-luhn ]


  1. Latin Ga·le·nus [g, uh, -, lee, -n, uh, s]. Claudius, a.d. c130–c200, Greek physician and writer on medicine.
  2. any physician.


/ ˈɡeɪlən /


  1. Galen?130?200MGreekMEDICINE: physicianMEDICINE: anatomistSCIENCE: physiologist Latin name Claudius Galenus. ?130–?200 ad , Greek physician, anatomist, and physiologist. He codified existing medical knowledge and his authority continued until the Renaissance
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ lən /

  1. Greek anatomist, physician, and writer who developed numerous theories about the structures and functions of the human body, many of which were based on information he gained from dissecting animals. Galen's theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance.


  1. An ancient Greek physician and pioneer in the study of anatomy .

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Example Sentences

The medical writer Galen argued back in the second century AD that aging is a natural process.

Another 25 percent said fall begins the day after Labor Day, which is obviously incorrect, Galen.

The author was philosopher-slash-medical writer Claudius Galenus, known today as Galen.

Yet, Galen believed women were simply malformed men even as he ultimately deemed this unfortunate accident of nature a good thing since, without these imperfect men, human beings would be unable to procreate.

But Rich Galen says Gingrich has a solid future—just not in politics.

Galen, however, thinks that not even a strong debate performance is enough.

But if Mitt Romney wins big in the Sunshine State, he can put this thing away, says Rich Galen.

Rich Galen on the real strategy as the campaign moves on to New Hampshire.

Plus, Eleanor Clift, Rich Galen, and more contributors weigh in.

Whatever they knew they took from the Greeks, and especially Galen.

His compendium of Galen was the text-book of medicine in the West for many centuries.

Birth of Galen, long the supreme authority in medical science.

Van Galen, with much superior force, attacked Captain Badily, and defeated him.

Their doctrine took at first a rapid growth, and Galen spoke of it with great regard.




