

gender dysphoria

[ jen-der dis-fawr-ee-uh ]


  1. a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by a lack of congruence between gender identity and sex assigned at birth. transgenderism ( def ).

gender dysphoria


  1. a condition in which a person feels uncertainty or anxiety about his or her birth gender
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Sensitive Note

Some transgender individuals and their advocates object to the use of the word "disorder" to describe this condition and therefore reject use of the variant term gender identity disorder, which was once used more widely. However, others feel that classifying it as a disorder may facilitate access to medical care related to the condition.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gender dysphoria1

First recorded in 1970–75
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Example Sentences

Justice Sonia Sotomayor was compelled to explain the anguish and suffering of kids denied medical care, describing one child whose gender dysphoria made him throw up every day and go “almost mute.”

From Slate

Led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., they said there is an evolving medical debate over the use of puberty blockers and sex hormones for adolescents who suffer from gender dysphoria.

These groups agree with expert practitioners who maintain that the benefits of treatment vastly outweigh the risks, and that treatment can in fact be lifesaving for children with gender dysphoria.

From Slate

The ban in question, passed by Tennessee's Republican-led legislature in the form of SB1, prevents doctors from prescribing puberty blockers, hormone treatment or surgery to minors experiencing gender dysphoria.

From Salon

Two years after the conservative majority overturned national abortion rights, the justices will hear arguments Wednesday over whether states may ban hormone treatment and puberty blockers for adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria.



