George Town
- Also calledPenang a port in NW Malaysia, capital of Penang state, in NE Penang Island: the first chartered city of the Malayan federation. Pop: 162 000 (2005 est)
- the capital of the Cayman Islands: a port on Grand Cayman Island. Pop: 30 600 (2004 est)
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Example Sentences
Invermay—a village near Launceston, on the road to George Town.
From Project Gutenberg
Meetings were held in private houses through all the years until 1789, when, at last, George Town was incorporated.
From Project Gutenberg
The family was not limited to these, for many other Bealls, men and women, appear in the annals of George Town.
From Project Gutenberg
Scheme of a lottery for raising $1,400 to be applied to the purchasing a house for the use of the George Town Academy.
From Project Gutenberg
In addition to this very historic ball, the George Town Assemblies used to be held here.
From Project Gutenberg