

View synonyms for ghostly


[ gohst-lee ]


, ghost·li·er, ghost·li·est.
  1. of, characteristic of, or resembling a ghost; phantasmal; spectral.

    Synonyms: ghostlike, wraithlike, unearthly, phantom

  2. Literary. spiritual.


/ ˈɡəʊstlɪ /


  1. of or resembling a ghost; spectral

    a ghostly face appeared at the window

  2. suggesting the presence of ghosts; eerie
  3. archaic.
    of or relating to the soul or spirit
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈghostliness, noun
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Other Words From

  • ghostli·ness noun
  • un·ghostly adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of ghostly1

before 900; Middle English; Old English gāstlīc. See ghost, -ly
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Example Sentences

The off-register gambit, a favorite of Saybolt’s, renders the image ghostly while emphasizing its mechanical origins.

The protagonist is shown summoning a ghostly horse and fighting against mounted enemies.

Differentiated mostly by their relative shininess, the two media juxtapose in silhouettes of ghostly beauty.

All the while, even after preservationists deemed it a landmark, Crummell remained a ghostly, decaying presence.

Instead, I was treated to just the ghostly haze, which dampened sounds to create a meditative atmosphere.

A storage building became a ghostly concrete frame lit bright orange.

One month after the operation, Holm arrived in a ghostly Stanleyville posing as a State Department representative.

The Dakota, a co-op residence on the Upper West Side, is historically known for its ghostly figures.

Meanwhile, Only Lovers Left Alive uses the city as a character as undead and ghostly as its human leads.

To explain this ghostly occurrence, we get a dollop of gossip concerning the recent death of a hated bishop.

A ghostly mate would be no very pleasant bridegroom for a young lady.

These had a ghostly effect on Yung Pak, and made him cling closely to the side of his tutor.

We visited it in the fading twilight, and a lonelier, more ghostly place it would be hard to imagine.

Startled gasps could be heard from the others in the room as they stared at that ghostly face.

The Japanese matted floor, even in darkness, gives out a sort of ghostly, phosphorescent glow.





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