
[ goh-dev-uhl ]

  1. a flexible, jointed apparatus forced through a pipeline to free it from obstructions.

  2. a dart dropped into a well, especially an oil well, to explode a charge of dynamite or nitroglycerin previously placed in a desired position.

  1. Railroads. a handcar.

  2. a sled used to drag or carry logs, stone, etc.

  3. Also called sled cul·ti·va·tor [sled-kuhl-tuh-vey-ter] /ˈslɛd ˌkʌl tə veɪ tər/ . a cultivator that rides on wooden runners and is used on listed furrows.

  4. Western U.S. any exceptionally fast or effective machine or appliance: That food processor is a real go-devil.

Origin of go-devil

An Americanism dating back to 1825–35

Words Nearby go-devil

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use go-devil in a sentence