grass tree
- any Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, of the lily family, having a stout, woody stem bearing a tuft of long grasslike leaves and a dense flower spike.
grass tree
- Also calledblack boyyaccayacka any plant of the Australian genus Xanthorrhoea, having a woody stem, stiff grasslike leaves, and a spike of small white flowers: family Xanthorrhoeaceae . Some species produce fragrant resins See also acaroid gum
- any of several similar Australasian plants
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Word History and Origins
Origin of grass tree1
First recorded in 1795–1805
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Example Sentences
The 'black boy,' as the grass-tree is called in the west, is often weird, and is essentially Australian.
From Project Gutenberg
Look at the picture again and notice the odd plants near the brome-grass tree.
From Project Gutenberg
The Australian blacks use the flower-stem of the grass-tree, which is of a tough pithy nature, and about one inch in diameter.
From Project Gutenberg
Hard wood spear, grass-tree end, barbed with flint, used with the throwing-stick for war.
From Project Gutenberg
Some grass-tree country was also passed, covered with quartz pebbles, white, or colored with oxide of iron.
From Project Gutenberg