grey fox

  1. a greyish American fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, inhabiting arid and woody regions from S North America to N South America

  2. island grey fox a similar and related animal, U. littoralis, inhabiting islands off North America

Words Nearby grey fox

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How to use grey fox in a sentence

  • "That question is what your Majesty might call foxy," said one of the counselors, an old grey fox.

    The Road to Oz | L. Frank Baum
  • After spying for a while, the Lion saw one, but by that time the grey fox was asleep alongside of him.

  • Then the grey fox said: “Let us see whether you can get the best of me, and which of us can catch a rabbit first.”

  • At sunrise the Lion took a position facing the north, and the grey fox faced south, and both of them watched for rabbits.

  • Then the grey fox opened the bag, and out came the two fierce dogs; and they caught the Coyote and bit him and tore him to pieces.