Gulf States
[ guhlf steyts ]
plural noun
- the states of the U.S. bordering on the Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.
- Also called Per·sian Gulf States [pur, -zh, uh, n , guhlf, steyts, -sh, uh, n]. the oil-producing countries bordering on or located near the Persian Gulf: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Gulf States
plural noun
- the oil-producing states around the Persian Gulf: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman
- the states of the US that border on the Gulf of Mexico: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas
Example Sentences
In the south, the Gulf States view their Persian nuclear neighbor as a permanent archenemy.
A sign that the Gulf States and/or Turkey told the White House they were getting out if the footsie continued?
For better or worse, that will have to be done in concert with regional actors like the gulf states, Turkey, and even Iran.
Americans, Gulf States, Israelis—anyone—would be fools not to fear such a war and its consequences.
Gulf states have pledged considerable aid to the new Egyptian regime.
We must treat the present condition of the Gulf States as a revolution in fact accomplished.
But little wheat was raised in the Gulf States and few beeves except in Texas.
Any one may single out the Georgian and the inhabitants of any of the Gulf-states.
So you predict an early marriage, with threatening weather and strong prevailing easterly winds along the Gulf States?
It is a perennial plant and grows from the most northern States to the northern border of the Gulf States.