


[ hamp-stid, -sted ]


  1. a former borough of London, England, now part of Camden.


/ ˈhæmpstɪd /


  1. a residential district in N London: part of the Greater London borough of Camden since 1965; nearby is Hampstead Heath , a popular recreation area
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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He himself said that he only wrote for fun, to pass time, but no matter, he was turned into a heavy Hampstead cult.

It's in the garden of their house, which is on the edge of Hampstead Heath.

In Hampstead, he leapt onto the counter of the jam-packed Beantown Cafe so that curious voters could see him speak.

Romance can be found in a quiet spot in Rome, and in searching for ghosts in the Hampstead streets.

One day I abandoned my paper-filled study to wander the streets of Hampstead, where several of my subjects had lived.

A delightful instance of this fell under my own observation, as I was walking on Hampstead Heath.

The two had found a lodging in an old house in Hampstead, not far from the Consumption Hospital.

Henry talks of a drive to Hampstead, which may interfere with it.

Tries to resume his usual levity; and forms a scheme to decoy the people at Hampstead to the infamous woman's in town.

Stedman, her solicitor, may attend her for orders in relation to her chancery affair, at Hampstead.





Hampshire DownHampton