

View synonyms for handgun


[ hand-guhn ]


  1. any firearm that can be held and fired with one hand; a revolver or a pistol.


/ ˈhændˌɡʌn /


  1. a firearm that can be held, carried, and fired with one hand, such as a pistol
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of handgun1

First recorded in 1400–50, handgun is from the late Middle English word handgone. See hand, gun 1
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Example Sentences

Reid previously faced a jail sentence of up to 23 months for his role in a 2007 road rage incident in which he allegedly wielded a handgun.

Police said the man had a holstered handgun and ammunition in his vehicle.

At some point, Ocran “displayed a handgun” and was shot by at least one of the officers, according to Gaithersburg Police Chief Mark Sroka.

Some participants were dressed in fatigues and carried semi-automatic rifles, handguns or tactical equipment.

From Time

Gaithersburg Police Chief Mark Sroka said Friday night that the man being pursued “displayed a handgun” near an apartment complex.

In states that require a background check for every handgun sale, 38 percent fewer women are shot to death by intimate partners.

He qualified as “sharpshooter” on the M1911A1-45 ACP handgun in 1994.

He swaggered into the school cafeteria that day with a .22 caliber handgun and started shooting randomly.

When the only option for carrying a handgun is to carry concealed, it unfairly discriminates against women and professionals.

At 1:52 pm, Platt received a phone call informing him that a handgun had been used in the killing of German.

It's difficult to fire a handgun accurately while in motion.

He reached inside his blouse and took out a fully loaded handgun.

But if you have ever fired a handgun, you don't even think about recoil.

He pointed at the little handgun he was still holding in his hand.

A beef-faced squire on a pirouetting horse loosed off his gun at Revel, who snatched a handgun from his belt and fired back.




