


  1. Austrian-based dynasty that ruled much of central and parts of western Europe from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries. The family's head long held the title of Holy Roman Emperor (see Holy Roman Empire ). By 1914 the Hapsburg-ruled Austro-Hungarian Empire included all or part of territories that later became independent nations, such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia . The empire collapsed during World War I .

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Nationalism threatened to disrupt the Hapsburg Empire in the nineteenth century; the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo (see also Sarajevo ) in 1914 triggered World War I.
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Example Sentences

Vonck and his party wished to see the expulsion of the Hapsburgs followed by measures of reform.

Complexity of intrigue was to each what the "Austrian lip" is to the Hapsburgs—a family characteristic.

The Hapsburgs have never learned, it seems, how to rule their many nationalities successfully.

It was not merely under the Bourbons and Hapsburgs that resistance was offered; even in England the old spirit lingered long.

Abroad he aimed to weaken the power of the Hapsburgs, to extend the boundaries of France, and to build up a colonial empire.




