[ hed-l ]
- one of the sets of vertical cords or wires in a loom, forming the principal part of the harness that guides the warp threads.
/ ˈhɛdəl /
- one of a set of frames of vertical wires on a loom, each wire having an eye through which a warp thread can be passed
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Word History and Origins
Origin of heddle1
1505–15; perhaps representing Old English *hefedl, a metathetic variant of hefeld ( Middle English helde, ModE heald ), cognate with Old Saxon hevild; akin to Old Norse hafald
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Word History and Origins
Origin of heddle1
Old English hefeld chain; related to Old Norse hafald, Middle Low German hevelte
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Example Sentences
Each thread or group of threads of the warp passes through an opening (eye) of a heddle.
From Project Gutenberg
The next movement of the heddle frame crossed the threads over the filling and made a new opening for the return of the shuttle.
From Project Gutenberg
K, a strong wooden ruler, connecting the front heddle with its treddle.
From Project Gutenberg
These tape-looms are a truly ancient form of appliance for the hand-weaving of narrow bands,—a heddle-frame.
From Project Gutenberg
The Greek loom may have been furnished with a heddle but the drawings are not clear on this point.
From Project Gutenberg