
or hoa·gie

[ hoh-gee ]
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noun,plural hoa·gies.New Jersey and Pennsylvania (chiefly Philadelphia).
  1. a hero sandwich.

Origin of hoagy

An Americanism first recorded in 1940–45; several anecdotal hypotheses have been advanced as to the origin of the word, most claiming it to be derivative of hog, either in reference to pork as an ingredient, or as an epithet for a person capable of eating such a sandwich, or alluding to Hog Island, an industrial and shipping area of South Philadelphia; but corroborating evidence is lacking; see -ie

regional variation note For hoagy

Words Nearby hoagy

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use hoagy in a sentence