


[ huhd-l-stuhn ]


  1. (Ernest Urban) Trevor, 1913–1998, English Anglican archbishop and antiapartheid activist in Africa.


/ ˈhʌdəlstən /


  1. HuddlestonTrevor19131998MBritishRELIGION: clergymanPOLITICS: Anti-Apartheid campaigner Trevor. 1913–98, British Anglican prelate; suffragan bishop of Stepney (1968–78) and bishop of Mauritius (1978–83); president of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (1981–94)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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His men were startled when, 30 minutes later, Huddleston abruptly called out and opened his eyes.

The blast snapped the metal plate in Huddleston’s body armor and split his helmet down the middle, like a cracked egg.

Over the two decades that followed, destinies were upturned, reshaped and recast, for Pfeifer, Huddleston, Guzman, Shamsi, Fazazi and millions of others who had no inkling about what was to come.

The brunt of the impact had been borne by the vehicle’s forward armor and the exposed gunner’s turret, where Huddleston, by his own choice, had been stationed.

Huddleston’s platoon would be hit 30 times by the mines that soldiers called IEDs, or improvised explosive devices.

He played Brandt, the happy-go-lucky assistant/boy Friday to millionaire Jeffrey Lebowski (David Huddleston).

Again, one day not two years ago, I lifted a newspaper, and my eyes fell on the words “Henry Huddleston.”

But the reason must have been evident to any one who considered the character and movements of William Henry Huddleston.

In 1874 he again came forward, in conjunction with Mr. Huddleston, was unsuccessful, and thereafter took no share in polities.

Suddenly a gentleman came riding rapidly to our door, and asked for Mr. Huddleston.

A gray-haired woman served tea, and said she was ready to stay with us, if so be Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston were agreeable.




