

immediate family

[ ih-mee-dee-it fam-uh-lee, fam lee ]


  1. a social unit consisting of people who are very closely related, usually including parents, siblings, spouses, and children, or the members of this social unit: Compare extended family ( def 1 ), nuclear family def.

    Benefits include free medical treatment for the employee and immediate family.

    Members of her immediate family and several former colleagues were also in attendance.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of immediate family1

First recorded in 1730–40
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Example Sentences

Force senators, their spouses and their immediate family to report their wealth down to the last dollar and cent.

This task, they write, is “too emotionally painful” for the immediate family.

Two-thirds of the gathered cases involved news of an immediate family member.

My friends please focus your prayers now on Randy and I and our immediate family as we deal with the upcoming days.

In Ukraine, Yanukovych took power and began to reprivatize for the benefit of himself and the members of his immediate family.

During the year 1901 in New York City, in one case other members of the immediate family had committed suicide in six instances.

The water of purification was then thrice sprinkled over those present, and all except the immediate family left the place.

I shall not confess to any such lapses on the part of my immediate family and friends,—no, I shall never confess to that!

In all this the earl had been actuated by no mercenary views, as far as his own immediate family was concerned.

Next to his own immediate family it was his chief interest, care, and consolation.





immediate constituentimmediately