

View synonyms for in general

in general

  1. For the most part; commonly, usually. For example, In general the children behaved very well , or Our winters are quite mild in general . [Early 1700s]

  2. Referring to a group of persons or a subject as a whole, as opposed to particular ones. For example, I am speaking about contracts in general , or Girls in general mature at a younger age than boys . [Late 1300s] For an antonym, see in particular .

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Example Sentences

Betsey Lane had spent most of her life as aid-in-general to the respected household of old General Thornton.

Hence we have an unlimited supply of reformers, philanthropists, humanitarians, and would-be managers-in-general of society.

She believed that details could excitingly be altered, but that things-in-general were comely and kind and immutable.

Gypsy installed herself as housekeeper-in-general, and she and Sarah lost no time in unpacking the cake and bread and butter.

So I only ask as a student of the great nothing-in-general, which men call the universe.'


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