

View synonyms for in order

in order

  1. in order that . So that, to the end or purpose that, as in In order that Bob can meet my husband, we've come early . [Early 1700s]

  2. in order to . For the purpose of, as a means to, as in We'll have to hire more help in order to finish on time . This usage always precedes a verb, such as finish in the example. [c. 1700]

  3. In proper sequence or arrangement, as in The children lined up in order of size , or Are the letters all in order? [c. 1400]

  4. Suitable, correct, appropriate, as in A few words on this subject are in order now . [Mid-1800s]

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Example Sentences

Soon the fall-in order was given, and the older rookies fell in under arms.

I say having my late governor and my late mother in my eye—that Georgiana don't seem to be of the pitching-in order.'

There was a built-in order to return, after the lapse of a certain time period.





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