

in season

  1. Available and ready for eating, or other use; also, legal for hunting or fishing. For example, Strawberries are now in season , or Let me know when trout are in season and I'll go fishing with you . Both usages date from the 1300s, as does the antonym out of season , used for “inopportunely,” “unavailable,” and also for “not in fashion.” For example, Sorry, oysters are out of season this month , or This style used to be very popular, but it's been out of season for several years .

  2. At the right time, opportunely, as in “The two young men desired to get back again in good season” (Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit , 1844).

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Example Sentences

Harry, however, promises none of those scandalous in-season revelations.

He sources in-season produce from local farms and even has someone drive in fresh seafood from Portland, Maine.



