

View synonyms for inattentive


[ in-uh-ten-tiv ]


  1. Inattentive or careless driving is a serious issue, and cell phones clearly contribute to it.

    Synonyms: thoughtless, slipshod, slapdash, remiss, regardless, neglectful, irresponsible, careless

    Antonyms: mindful, thoughtful, careful

  2. characterized by or exhibiting a lack of focus or concentration:

    Most children are occasionally inattentive, distractible, impulsive, or highly active.

    Synonyms: oblivious, faraway, dreamy, distracted, abstracted, absent-minded, absent, ditzy, unmindful, heedless, distrait, preoccupied

    Antonyms: mindful, thoughtful, careful


/ ˌɪnəˈtɛntɪv /


  1. not paying attention; heedless; negligent
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˌinatˈtention, noun
  • ˌinatˈtentively, adverb
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Other Words From

  • in·at·ten·tive·ly adverb
  • in·at·ten·tive·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of inattentive1

First recorded in 1735–45; in- 3 + attentive
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Example Sentences

Researchers studying glance data from 290 human-initiated Autopilot disengagement epochs found drivers may become inattentive when using partially automated driving systems.

Maternal health organizations often encourage pregnant people to advocate for themselves, to challenge biased or inattentive providers, and demand diagnostic tests like the BNP.

There’ll be a cause of it, and there’ll be a vehicle code attached to the cause, if it’s inattentive driving or whatever the case may be.

He’s also a philandering husband and inattentive father to his two adult daughters.

In truth, Obama is neither inattentive nor in over his head.

She never liked her mother—a frigid and inattentive woman—but adored her father.

The Row is understated, luxurious, and inattentive to trends.

Plotz was, by his own estimation, an inattentive Jew, a biblical ignoramus.

There came but one thing to grieve the tempers of our members—the service was slip-shod, inattentive, vile.

Who else would be as charmingly unconscious and inattentive as this American vagabond!

The Chamber sat still out of respect, but as a fact the members were inattentive.

Again, those thus affected are quite as likely to be the dull or inattentive as the studious.

England, though apparently apathetic and inactive, was not inattentive to the situation.





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