View synonyms for industrial relations
industrial relations
- (used with a plural verb) the dealings or relations of an industrial concern with its employees, with labor in general, with the public, etc.
- (used with a singular verb) the administration of such relations, especially to maintain goodwill for an industrial concern.
industrial relations
- functioning as plural those aspects of collective relations between management and workers' representatives which are normally covered by collective bargaining
- functioning as singular the management of relations between the employers or managers of an enterprise and their employees
industrial relations
- Relations between management and labor unions or between management and individual workers. Sometimes called labor relations.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of industrial relations1
First recorded in 1900–05
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Example Sentences
The packing industry was a conspicuous case of the "new course" in industrial relations.
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In the personal and industrial relations existing between the dependent worker and the employer and his people (truck-protection).
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Hence the term "soulless corporation," which was to exert such a deep influence on American thinking about industrial relations.
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In industrial relations, as in the relations between business and the community, he believed in the square deal.
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In its industrial relations the province also offers a highly edifying example.
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