

View synonyms for infighting


[ in-fahy-ting ]


  1. fighting fighting at close range.
  2. fighting fighting between rivals, people closely associated, members of a group, etc.; internecine contention.
  3. free-for-all fighting. fighting.


/ ˈɪnˌfaɪtɪŋ /


  1. boxing combat at close quarters in which proper blows are inhibited and the fighters try to wear down each other's strength
  2. intense competition, as between members of the same organization, esp when kept secret from outsiders
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈinˌfighter, noun
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Other Words From

  • infighter noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of infighting1

First recorded in 1810–20; in- 1 + fighting
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Example Sentences

He soon realized, however, that the billion-dollar enterprise was characterized more by infighting and shifting goals than by breakthrough science.

Other major bills, such as those dealing with voting rights and policing, have become bogged down in partisan infighting.

Despite years of infighting, viral clips of tense exchanges and subsequent tweets defending her stances, McCain co-hosted the daytime talk show for four seasons before announcing she would hang up her hat.

The New York Times missed out on a potentially lucrative deal to adapt its reporting on the GameStop stock-market drama into a feature film, thanks to infighting between the paper and one of its high-profile business reporters.

It also succumbed to the atomization and political infighting so endemic to the social movements of the era.

Meanwhile, major rebel forces in the north have been engaged in serious infighting over the past week.

The best men in the revolution have already died, and it has spiraled down to a lot of infighting.

Certainly there was bitter infighting inside the administration back then.

Quite apart from all that infighting, the fact is a confrontation with Israel at this time suits neither Hezbollah nor Tehran.

But infighting between the Texas groups is an even bigger threat.

He kept close to Carpentier during the rest of the fight and wore him down with body blows during the infighting.

She felt a sense of righteous pride infighting her way to the church through the first storm of the winter.

The Apaches' bows were little use for infighting, but they had their knives.

He had her in a mad, palpitant chancery but Verbeena put up some great infighting.

Infighting, in′fīt-ing, n. boxing at close quarters when blows from the shoulder cannot be given.


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