

View synonyms for inflow


[ in-floh ]


  1. something that flows in; influx.


/ ˈɪnˌfləʊ /


  1. something, such as a liquid or gas, that flows in
  2. the amount or rate of flowing in
  3. Also calledinflowing the act of flowing in; influx
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of inflow1

First recorded in 1645–55; in- 1 + flow
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Example Sentences

A few weeks later, though, on April 2, Luckin came clean, fessing up to $310 million in made-up money inflows—a large portion of its reported revenue for 2019.

From Fortune

Alarmingly, this means 50 percent of small businesses would struggle beyond two weeks of disrupted cash inflows.

From Ozy

Since Tesla’s credits and its customers’ deficits run in tandem, Tesla trades its CAFE and GHG credits on long-term contracts that produce more consistent, though in the past smaller, revenue than the inflow from lumpy ZEV sales.

From Fortune

Net equity market inflows were 93 billion Rmb for the same period, taking foreign holdings to more than 1 trillion Rmb.

From Ozy

We kitted up and passed through a special set of double doors designed to reduce the inflow of contaminant-filled air from outside.

If the pools lose their inflow of circulating cooling water, the water in the pools will evaporate.

Iraq is now beginning to see an inflow of investment capital that is likely to grow.

Exercises to strengthen muscles, promote complete expansion, regulate inflow and outflow of air, etc.

With that cool, fragrant inflow of air they breathed freely.

The cablegrams came first—bundles of them from every corner of the world—then the letters, a steady inflow.

The train at this point goes upon a monster ferry that carries it over the swift inflow of the Sacramento river.

It depended for its very life on a steady inflow of food from outside sources.


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