

View synonyms for infrequent


[ in-free-kwuhnt ]


  1. happening or occurring at long intervals or rarely:

    infrequent visits.

    Synonyms: uncommon, rare, scarce

  2. not constant, habitual, or regular:

    an infrequent visitor.

  3. not plentiful or many:

    infrequent opportunities for advancement.

    Synonyms: uncommon, rare, scarce

  4. far apart in space.


/ ɪnˈfriːkwənt /


  1. rarely happening or present; only occasional
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • inˈfrequently, adverb
  • inˈfrequency, noun
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Other Words From

  • in·frequent·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of infrequent1

First recorded in 1525–35, infrequent is from the Latin word infrequent- (stem of infrequēns ). See in- 3, frequent
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Example Sentences

Satellite imagery, which has historically been produced, paid for, and shared freely by public space agencies, has been limited to infrequent images with coarse resolution.

Your monthly budget should take into account the fact that there are infrequent, yet predictable expenses you’ll need to take care of on occasion.

From Fortune

Still, the number may well grow, as new and infrequent voters tend to vote close to, or on, Election Day.

From Fortune

The safety benchmarks are higher for vaccines than for other drugs because vaccines are given to vastly more people, which magnifies infrequent problems.

From Vox

As the years rolled on, though, our encounters became more infrequent.

From Ozy

My period is light and infrequent, no cramps, no weight gain, no pregnancy, no problem.

Her appearances are infrequent enough so that they soon become the most exciting part of the game.

We know that failure of justice is not infrequent; it just never had such a cringeworthy label.

Those sorts of encounters between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs are far too infrequent.

And although there may be abuse, in well-managed companies it is quite infrequent.

Occasionally the nucleus is irregular in shape, "clover-leaf" forms being not infrequent.

It was not in the room known at the red house as Mr. Royall's "office" that he received his infrequent clients.

It is curious that the close o is heard only in the infrequent diphthong óu, or as an obscured, unaccented final.

Open ruptures were infrequent now, although they were innumerable during the first months of their companionship.

The opposite change to greater liveliness of disposition is not unknown, but is more infrequent.




